So I just saw the thread about Rattati's intent in nerfing strafing speed and tying it with HP modules.
And I saw an amount of people complaining about it.
Tho the majority loved the idea.
But I will divide these 2 people complaining about it and 2 groups:
The ones that don't want strafing speed to be nerfed.
And the ones that are confused on why Shield modules will get a strafe speed penalty.
I will start with the first one.
If you are one of those people that are crying because strafing speed is getting nerfed based on how many HP modules you have on you. Then I am glad to say that you weren't in the closed beta. You would have not survived a day in there since strafing speed back then was slow and to survive in the battlefield you actually needed to know your surroundings and take cover constantly rather than spam the A and D keys (PC) or quickly move the stick left and right (Control). In fact. If you were to run up to an enemy and tried to out strafe them back then, you would most likely end up dead.
Now? Now all I just see everyone running head on to the battlefield and moving left and right like there was no tomorrow.
There was this one time were I went behind enemy lines with my sniper to take down an enemy forge gunner.... he was in a safe zone (not the redline) but rather safe were no one from the enemy side could hit him (except me lol) as he started charging his forge gun I saw him starting to strafe like if he was taking fire.....
My reaction was somewhat like thisThis community has become so dependant on strafing to survive that most of us do it automatically now. It's ridiculous.
Tho there are a lot of us that just want strafing speed to be brought back down. And it is now happening and all I can say is finally!
We will see how many modules suit combinations people start making up to survive now since they won't be able to out strafe as easily as before

And now to the second one.
I agree on how can Shield Extenders affect any sort of movement. Like strafe speed and such.
But I also support it in the mean time.
If Shield Extenders were to not affect anything as of now, every Caldari suit would become extremely OP. And the Caldari Scout would even become more FOTM and OP than it is now.
Just think about it. Amarr and Gallente, both needing a minimum set of armor plating to survive would become rather weak in comparison to a Caldari suit being able to dodge all their shots but those suits would become like fish in a barrel for them.
It would make more sense if they were to make Shield Extenders increase your hitbox size.
But I really don't think CCP has added 2 different hitboxes per suit. It's just one.
Adding another hitbox would require another update and knowing how buggy the game tends to be at the release of every update/hotifx. I wouldn't be surprised if the shield hitbox bugs and would merge with the armor hitbox and making it the same and tampering with the actual hitbox size of the suit. Making a heavily shield tanked suit take damage to it's armor when no shots are hitting it's when it's shield are depleted.
This would cause an uproar on the Forums.
So that's why I currently support Shield Extenders causing strafing penalties. Tho it still doesn't make any sense that it does.
Also it uncourages people to dual tank all their suits (I'm looking at you Minmatar Assault players)
So that's my 2 ISK on this matter.
I think that tying strafe speed to HP modules is a good idea and can promote different suit fittings and module placement rather than the "Let's dual tank all our suits!" method we have now.
And while I am at it. CCP, PLEASE bring down TTK. We can't have low strafe speeds with a high TTK.
That is all.
Here's a link to Rattati's thread on HP Modules and Strafing Speed if you haven't read it already